Take action on your ideas.

Take the first step towards starting a business to do the work that brings you alive.
Character illustration of women thinking about startup business ideas

This 8-week programme teaches ambitious people how to turn an idea into a validated product or service, and how to transition out of employment and into self-employment.

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“If I hadn’t done this program, I would probably still be in my day job and wondering how to get started."  - Christine, Founder, FitYou


“Before we started the program, we just had an idea, and an idea is nothing. By doing the program, we were able to turn the idea into something tangible."  - Bob, Co-Founder, Trymygear

Ideas You Can Execute Testimonial Kitki Relight the Thought

"If I hadn't done this program, I would probably have written two dozen business plans, still be talking and trying to do a collaboration instead of diving into it and doing it on my own." - Kitki, Owner, Relish the Thought

"I loved that I finally found a place where starting a business did not have the academic approach that I'd experienced before. This time it was driven by passion, hard work, interviews, talking to people, trying out, testing, innovating." - Zanda, Founder of Zanda Photography

Practical knowledge for starting a business, so you can take action on your ideas with confidence.

Find a uniquely valuable idea
Character illustration of a women thinking about business ideas

Learn how to turn your experiences, skills and insights into the foundations of a uniquely valuable business.

Communicate you ideas with influence
Character illustration of someone communicating an idea using startup DNA concepts

Get traction by learning how to explain your idea convincingly, without having to know all the details.

Find out what people actually want
Character illustration of a man with glasses, who resembles a customer that someone is going to validate their idea with

Reduce risks by learning how to find and talk to your initial customers, to understand what’s important to them. 

Launch something simple and valuable
Charater illustration of someone working on a launching the first version of a product into the market

Make your idea a reality by learning how to create a simple first version of your product.


Learn the startup process

  • 15 videos and workbooks to help you understand and apply key startup principles
  • Tools and resources to provide examples and dive into areas of interest
  • Step-by-step process to make taking action easier
  • Execution focused, with practical advice that you can implement immediately
  • A goal of developing your idea in 8 weeks, with the support you need to get there.


Share experiences with a supportive community

 As well as access to the programme, you will also connect with the other like-minded people to share your experiences and ask for help along the way.  You'll also be able to access the other resources that are available there.

Two women smiling and taking in the audience of an Entrepreneurs Unleashed event

Programme Delivery

startup idea

Online Video Lessons

Once you sign up, you'll get access to exclusive video content, which you can work through at your own pace. These videos will introduce you to new concepts for starting a business and developing yourself as an entrepreneur.

startup idea

Workbook and Helpbook

Apply your learnings to your idea using the workbook, help-book and additional resources. At the end of the program, you'll have rich content that forms the basis of a business plan, pitch deck, website, brand and product development.

Programme Content

Each module contains three video lessons, with accompanying workbooks and tools.

Module 1: An Idea You Can Execute

Turn your idea into a defined concept you can move forward on. Understand your unique value.

Module 2: Idea to Reality

Understand the process of startup creation, develop the ability to communicate your idea in a compelling way and learn the basics of market validation.

Module 3: Mindset & Productivity

Understanding how your brain works, how to learn and develop yourself faster, and tools for improving your performance and resilience.

Module 4: Making the Commitment

Get clear on your financial situation, your decision-making process and what you need to be focusing on now to make your ideas a reality.

Programme Outcomes

Here's what you can expect to get out of the Ideas You Can Execute Programme:

  • Clarity on the value you have to offer the world with a better sense of purpose.
  • Initial market validation. In many cases, people have got their first customers while completing the course.
  •  An understanding of how to effectively communicate an idea and influence people.
  • The foundations of a business, including Company DNA, product concept, an understanding of the first customer group.
  • Launch something, whether it be a website, blog, facebook page, event, or the first version of the product.
  • Connections with other entrepreneurs and startup experts.
  • A good understanding of the process of turning an idea into a product or service that is valuable.

Get Started

 Time to take action on your ideas? Reach out using the contact form below:

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Meet your mentor

Natalie is Founder and CEO of Mum's Garage, and passionate about helping aspiring entrepreneurs launch businesses. She has built her own company, worked to grow other startups, managed an accelerator programme and built multiple startup programmes including The Validator, and Wellington ICT Graduate School Masters Entrepreneurship ProgramNatalie has also developed the Digital Marketing Deep Dive runs the Entrepreneurs Unleashed.

natalie robinson teacher

Natalie Robinson

“If you can push through that feeling of being scared, that feeling of taking a risk, really amazing things can happen.”

- Marissa Mayer, president & CEO of Yahoo

Ideas You Can Execute FAQ's

How do I know if this program is right for me?

This program will be a good fit for you if: (1) you have ambitions to become self-employed, solve a problem you care about or turn a passion into something you can get paid for, and; (2) your struggling to make meaningful progress on your own. If you need support making a decision, or have any questions, you can chat with us using the website messenger in the bottom right side of the screen.

Do I need to be in Auckland, New Zealand, to do this program?

No, this program is run online. The video content and the community is all digital, so you can participate in the program from anywhere in the world.

Should I do this programme if I already have a company?

This program teaches concepts that are applicable across the life of a company. We have had participants with existing businesses complete the program and get significant value from it. If you are feeling unmotivated or stuck, this program might be exactly what you need to move forward.

How much time do I need to spend on the course content?

We recommend a minimum of 5 hours per week on the course content. Most time will be spent executing on the concepts that you have learned.  Building a business requires time and effort. The more you put in, the more you get out.

Will I be able to fit this around my full-time job?

Yes, it's designed so people can fit it around a day job. In the program, we share methods for improving productivity and managing building a company while working.

Is now the right time for me to start this program?

Yes, the faster you learn the processes taught in this program, the better. Even if you don't end up launching your current idea, you will know more about yourself, how to identify opportunities and how to make decisions that give you better outcomes, which you can continue to apply to all areas of your life.

Do I have to complete the program within the 8-weeks?

No, you will get access to the program content and the community for 6 months after starting. So if you would like to work through at a slower pace, that is fine.

Ready to start?

Cost: US$19.99 (excl taxes) per month or US$199 per year